Art.1. The cultural association "Quattro Sassi", regulated under Title Cap. III, Art. 36 et seq. of the Civil Code, as well as the present Charter, and non-partisan and non-political association that is not for profit and prohibits the distribution, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of association itself, unless the destination or distribution is required by law. Profits or surpluses are used exclusively for the realization of the institutional activities and those directly connected to them.
Art. 2. The association currently based in Rome, in via Sant'Agatone Papa, 27-00165
The office may be transferred by simple resolution of the Assembly. The association is governed by this statute and by any regulations, approved in accordance with statutory provisions, are deemed necessary to better regulate specific associative relationships or activities. The activity of members and mainly carried out at no charge. And it's admitted the reimbursement of expenses actually incurred and documented expenses for the performance of activities within the limits set by the shareholders. The association, in cases of special need, can hire employees or make use of self-employed work, even resorting to their members. The association is founded in compliance with the rules of the Italian Constitution and the Civil Code and current legislation. It will adopt the procedures required by law to obtain legal personality and recognition of a charitable trust. The during of the association is unlimited.
Art. 3. The association's purpose is the development and enhancement of historical and artistic heritage and demo ethno anthropological through the implementation of cultural and social solidarity promotion projects. To pursue social purpose, the association specifically aims:
a) to spread and expand the knowledge of the historical and artistic heritage, archaeological, ethno-anthropological demo, nature and landscape.
b) to raise awareness on issues of common goods and the reappropriation of the historical roots of their territories.
c) creating a network between public administration, reference goods and target audiences in different socio-economic and cultural stratification.
d) to establish personal relationships able to educate and grow the citizens in particular subjective and social hardship.
The association uses every tool to achieve social and purposes, in particular, the partnership with all public and local authorities including through the conclusion of appropriate agreements, the participation of other associations, companies or bodies having similar aims or connected its.
Art. 4. The association intends to pursue its aims through various activities, including:
a) guided tours, lectures, conventions, conferences, seminars, films and documentaries;
b) educational workshops open to the public and / or dedicated to primary and secondary schools and national universities;
c) organization of cultural events for the enhancement of historical and artistic heritage, archaeological, ethno-anthropological demo, nature and landscape;
d) research on the historical areas - archaeological and naturalistic;
e) enhancement and museum display through the design of routes and educational tools - exhibition.
f) communication and promotion activities in favor of cultural goods.
The association may also conduct any other cultural or recreational activities, and may perform any economic or financial transactions, securities or real estate, for the better attainment of its purposes. The association may, exclusively for purposes of self-financing and non-profit, carry out marginal activities under the current legislation.
Art. 5. They can be part of the association in unlimited everyone, without distinction of sex, race, religion and ideas, they are recognized in the Charter and plan to work together to achieve the social aim. The associative relationship and associative arrangements are intended to ensure the effectiveness of that relationship; therefore, participation in community life will not be temporary. Public and / or private organizations involved in the person of a representative.
Art. 6. Admission to the association and approved by the Executive Board at the request of the aspiring member. Applications for admission to membership submitted by minors must be countersigned by the operator parental authority. The parent who signs the application represents the lowest in all respects towards the Association and responds to the same for all the associated minor obligations.
Art. 7. The members of this association are:
Founding members: Founding members are natural or legal persons who have signed the memorandum and were paid by the set-up fee.
Ordinary members: those who undertake to pay for the entire stay of the associative link the annual fee established by the Governing Council, participate in the life of the Association with the right to access to all the facilities and the Association with voting rights.
Honorary Members: are appointed by the Board and are selected from among those people who, in addition to having purchased rendered to the Association, have particularly strengthened and enhanced the activity of the association. They have no right to vote and do not participate in the electorate active and passive association.
All other members are entitled to:
a) participate in all the activities promoted by the Association;
b) participate in community life, expressing their vote they are entitled even to approve and to amend the charter and any regulations;
c) enjoy and stand for election for the appointment of the directive.
Underage members have no right to vote and stand, as specified in art. 12 of this charter. The members are obliged to observe the Charter, to respect the decisions of the organs of the Association and to pay the membership fees. These shares are not transferable or revalued nor refundable.
Art. 8. The status of member is lost by resignation, expulsion or death. The member resignation must be submitted in writing to the Directive. The expulsion and provided when the member does not comply with the provisions of this charter and any regulations, it becomes delinquent or engaging in behavior causing damage to property or to the image of the Association. The expulsion and decided by the Board, by an absolute majority of its members, and communicated by letter to the affected member. Against that decision the shareholder concerned may lodge an appeal within 30 days from the communication date of the expulsion; the appeal will be considered by the Assembly at the first ordinary meeting. The loss, if any, of such membership does not entitle you to a refund of the amount paid to the Association. The death of the member does not confer any rights under the heirs association.
Art. 9. They are organs of the association:
a) the General Meeting;
b) the Directive;
c) the President;
d) the Board of Auditors or the Single Auditor
All elected positions are unpaid, it is admitted only the reimbursement of their expenses.
Art.10. The partner's meeting is the sovereign body and it consists of all members for having such status at the time of the call and can be ordinary or extraordinary.
May attend the Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary), with voting rights, provided that all adult members in good standing with the payment of dues; each one casting vote partner. Underage members and those who exercise parental authority or guardianship are entitled to receive the notice of meeting and to assist you, but we have no right to speak of it to vote and stand. And 'it allowed to intervene by proxy in writing to be assigned exclusively to another shareholder. Each member can not have more than one proxy. The Assembly voting would take place, as indicated by the same, by show of hands, by roll call or by secret ballot.
Art. 11. The assembly and held at the registered office or elsewhere, provided in the national territory at least once a year within the month of April. It must also be convened whenever it is requested by the President of the Association, by the Board or by at least one third of the members. And the convening by the President of the association or by the same person whom they designate, by e-mail or registered mail or telegram. They must be specified in the notice convening the agenda, date, place and time of the meeting, both first- and second call. The meeting can not be convened on second call on the same day as the first call.
Art. 12. The General Assembly is responsible for: approving the economic and financial statement of the year elapsed; elect the President and Board of Directors, establishing the number of members; deliberate on any other ordinary character and topic of general interest on the agenda.
Art. 13. The meeting is chaired by the president of the association or in his absence the Vice-President or, in his absence, by a member of the Board designated by the meeting. The functions of secretary are performed by the secretary or in his absence by a person appointed by the assembly. The general meetings will be prepared by the secretary and signed by the president and by the secretary. The decisions taken by the Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, undertake all dissenting shareholders is that absent. Each member is entitled to consult the transcript of work drawn up by the secretary and signed by the president; has the right to information and control established by law, has the right of access to documents, resolutions, budgets, reports and records of the Association.
Art. 14. The directive consists of a number of members not less than three and no more than eleven, including the president and elected directly by the assembly. The Assembly elects the Board of Directors, determining each time the number of members. The directive has the task of implementing the general directives laid down by the Assembly, and to promote any initiative aimed at achieving the company purpose. The Executive Board is also responsible to take all necessary measures for the ordinary and extraordinary management, the organization and operation of the association, taking eventual employees; to prepare the association's budget and submitted it for approval to the Assembly; to establish the annual fees paid by members; elect replacements for the members of the Board eventually resigned. The Board may delegate to one or more directors conducting certain tasks and delegate to working groups to study specific problems.
Art. 15. The Board of Directors shall appoint from among its members the vice president, treasurer and secretary. The Board of Directors will be entitled to prepare and draw up special regulations which, subject to any provisions of this statute, will have to adjust the practical and specific aspects of the life of the association. That regulation must be submitted for approval to the assembly which will decide with the quorum.
Art. 16. The members of the directive shall hold office for five years and may be reappointed. If you are missing one or more directors, the Board of Directors shall replace them. In any case, the new directors expire along with those who are in office at the time of their appointment. If they fail councilors outnumber the middle, the president must convene a meeting for new elections.
Art.17. The Executive Board meets at the invitation of the President whenever it demonstrates the opportunity, or when they make a written request at least two members of the Board. Each member of the Board must be invited to the meeting at least three days before; only in an emergency, the Board of Directors may be convened within twenty-four hours. The meeting request can be made by e-mail or registered mail or telegram. The notice shall specify the matters on the agenda.
Art.18. For the validity of the Board of Directors meeting and requires the presence of a majority of its members. The meeting, chaired by President of the association or, in his absence the Vice-President or in his absence by another member of the Elder Council for participation in the association. The functions of secretary are performed by the secretary of the association or in case of his absence or impediment of the person designated by the person chairing the meeting. Resolutions are passed by majority vote; in case of a tie, the vote of the chair. Of the resolutions it will be written minutes signed by the chairman and secretary. For extraordinary administration proceedings, those whose value exceeds € 5,000 (€ five thousand / 00), the majority of the directors in office, a favorable vote.
Art.19. The treasurer is responsible for keeping and updating the accounting books and prepare the financial statements of the association; all other books are kept by the Secretary.
Art. 20. The President and elected by the Assembly and holds office for five years. The first appointment and ratified its charter. The President has the legal representation towards third and chairs the meetings of the Executive Council and the Assembly of members.
The President assumes the interest of the association all the measures that fall within the competence of the Governing Council in the event of urgency do grounds and undertakes to report on the same at the next meeting. The President has the powers of the normal ordinary and extraordinary administration.
In particular, the responsibility of the President:
a) develop the general outline of the program of annual activities and medium-term association;
b) draw up the annual progress report on the activities;
c) monitor on the facilities and services of the association;
d) determining the organizational criteria that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, functionality and timely identification of opportunities and requirements for the association and associates;
e) adopt the rules of procedure of the organs and structures of the association.
President identifies, establish and chair working committees, technical and scientific setting its term, the operating modes, goals and compensation. For cases of unavailability or of absence or any other incapacity of the President the same and 'replaced by the vice president.
Art. 21. The Proof-reader consists of three members, of whom at least one entered in the Register referred to in Legislative Decree no. 27 January 1992, n. 88 and subsequent amendments and additions, and two alternates elected by the Assembly. The College elects its President, from among the members entered in the Register referred to in the previous paragraph. If the Auditor and unique, must necessarily be entered in the Register referred to above. The auditor of the accounts and post incompatible with that of councilor. For the term of office, the re-election and the remuneration is valid as defined for the members of the Board. The Proof-reader verify the proper keeping of the Association accounts and relevant books; They examine and approve, by signing the annual report to be presented to the Assembly. The Proof-reader may attend meetings of the Assembly and, without voting rights, to those of the directive.
Art. 22. The economic resources for achieving the purposes for which the association and revolt and to meet the operating costs of the will consist of:
a) the annual amount established by the directive;
b) any income from associated activities (events and initiatives);
c) any other contributions, including donations, bequests, sponsorships and reimbursements due to conventions, which members, non-members, public or private bodies, take to achieve the purposes of the association;
d) contributions to international organizations;
e) income from commercial activities and marginal production, and income of
f) supply of goods and services to associates and third parties;
g) any other revenue.
The assets is indivisible and it consists by:
a) movable and immovable property of the Association property;
b) membership fees and annual contributions, overtime and volunteers of the associates;
c) contributions, donations and bequests from public and private bodies or individuals;
d) income, for commercial purposes, possibly achieved by the Association for the pursuit or support of the institutional activity.
Even during the life of the association the individual members may not request the division of common resources. The proceeds of the assets, earnings and scrap management, funds, reserves or capital will not be distributed, even indirectly, during the life of the organization unless the destination or distribution are not imposed by law, and therefore will be brought forward, capitalized and used to carry out institutional activities and the achievement of the goals pursued by the association.
Art. 23. The fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31st of each year and by year end will form the budget to be presented to the Assembly for approval within four months of the end of financial year.
Art. 24. In case of dissolution the association's assets will not be divided among the members but, by propose approved by the Assembly, it will be donated to other charities operating in the same or similar field, net of financial cover operating costs.
Art. 25. As not contained in this Statute, the norms and principles of the Civil Code.